
Member of the Month: Adriana Helbig

January 30, 2019

Name: Adriana Helbig Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA Current Position: Associate Professor of Music, Assistant Dean of Undergraduates, University of Pittsburgh Professional Interests: Applied Ethnomusicology – Activism/Advocacy; Music and Disability Studies, Critical Race Studies, Critical Prison Studies (Pitt Prison Education Project), Development Studies, Minority and Migration Studies (Romani Music and Human Rights ... Continue reading

The 2018 Platon Kostyuk Award

January 9, 2019

On 20 December 2018, the Shevchenko Scientific Society, in collaboration with the Kostyuk Foundation, hosted the eighth annual Platon Kostyuk Award ceremony. Three Ukrainian scientists selected as finalists for the award – Ganna Dumanska (Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology), Volodymyr Krotov (Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology), and Oleksandr Savytskii (Institute of Molecular ... Continue reading

In Memoriam of Dr. Bohdan Rubchak (1935-2018)

December 18, 2018

On September 23, 2018, we lost a colleague, literary scholar, poet, and co-founder of the New York Group of Ukrainian poets. Bohdan Rubchak’s scholarly and poetic contributions to Ukrainian literature still await serious studies and assessment. In the ensuing paragraphs I would like to share some thoughts on his life ... Continue reading

Member of the Month: Pavlo Gintov

December 16, 2018

Name: Pavlo Gintov Current Hometown: New York City Professional Interests: Ukrainian Classical Music   Why did you decide to join the Shevchenko Scientific Society? When I moved to the United States in 2006, I was looking for people or organizations who research and promote Ukrainian culture. I heard about the ... Continue reading

2018-2019 Grants Program Announced

December 10, 2018

The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the United States of America will award grants during 2018-2019 in the following categories: Research Grants and Dissertation Research Grants.  There will be only one granting cycle during 2018-2019, with all grant applications for Research Grants and Dissertation Research Grants due on February 1, 2019. All ... Continue reading

Recipients of the Special Scholarship Program

October 12, 2018

The Shevchenko Scientific Society of the United States of America is pleased to announce the names of Ukrainian students who were awarded a special scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. The Special Scholarship Program was designed to provide support for outstanding, highly motivated university students who experienced a disruption in ... Continue reading

Member of the Month: Olya Yarychkivska

October 12, 2018

Name: Olya Yarychkivska Current Hometown: New York City Professional Interests: Genetics, Biochemistry, Neurobiology   Why did you decide to join the Shevchenko Scientific Society? As a professional and a Ukrainian, I believe that it’s important for me to be a part of Shevchenko Scientific Society, such a historic organization that ... Continue reading

Кілька посутніх зауваг щодо нового проєкту українського правопису

September 20, 2018

Юрій Шевчук, Колумбійський університет, Нью-Йорк Максимальне спрощення правил має бути стратегічним пріоритетом нового правопису. Проєкт натомість непотрібно ускладнює їх. Причина тут частково в тому, що його автори засадничо тримаються чужого для української мови і загалом атавістичного принципу етимологічного написання слів, який властивий російській мові, і який аґресивно накидався нам совєтськими ... Continue reading

Війна, надія, майбутнє: що пишуть студенти конкурсу спеціяльної стипендійної програми НТШ-А

June 14, 2018

Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка в Америці від 8 до 13 червня   провела в Україні співбесіди з фіналістами стипендійної акції НТШ-А допомоги постраждалим студентам внаслідок російської аґресії на Донбасі, Луганщині та у Криму. Ось враження Олеся Федорука, член комітету відбору: Останні пару днів були дуже насичені й дуже відповідальні. Це ті дні, коли ... Continue reading

General Membership Elects a New Board of Directors

May 21, 2018

On May 19, 2018 the membership of the Shevchenko Scientific Society held its triennial General Meeting. The membership listened to greetings from Dr. Leonid Rudnytsky, President of the World Councils of Shevchenko Scientific Societies, and from Dr. Roman Kushnir, President of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, Ukraine. Reports of the ... Continue reading