The application process for the special scholarship program was closed on April 15, 2018. No more applications are being accepted at this time.
The Grants Committee of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA received 74 completed applications. The review and selection process is now underway and will follow this schedule:
- Early May 2018 – Selection of 20-25 semi-finalists and invitation for an interview in Kyiv or Lviv with Ukrainian members of the Special Scholarship Committee
- Early June 2018 – Following the interviews, selection and notification of 10 finalists.
- July 2018 – Announcement of finalists
The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the United States of America announces a new special scholarship program for the support of talented and promising Ukrainian university (undergraduate) students. The scholarships are open to students who have suffered the loss of a close family member during the Euromaidan hostilities; as a result of the war in Eastern Ukraine; or have the status of Internally Displaced Persons.
The Board and members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society are aware that today many young people in Ukraine with high scholarly potential are in a difficult life situation because of the loss of a family member or forced resettlement. This new Scholarship Program of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA aims to help talented young people overcome such difficulties and realize their future goals.
The Society offers ten (10) scholarships on a competitive basis. Scholarship recipients will receive an award of $2000 USD (approximately 55,500 UAH) to help cover their expenses during the 2018-2019 academic year. In return, they will be obligated to provide interim and final reports about their academic progress and standing at the end of each semester of study. The Shevchenko Society in the USA reserves the right to review the progress and standing of scholarship recipients after receiving their interim reports, and to assess the continuation of the Society’s financial support.
- Ukrainian citizenship and passport
- Current enrollment in a Ukrainian institution of higher education;
- High academic standing;
- Loss of a close family member during hostilities on Euromaidan or as a result of the war in eastern Ukraine;
- Current official status as an Internally Displaced Person from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; from areas where military hostilities have occurred; or from settlements along the line of confrontation.
Required documents:
- Ukrainian passport;
- Certified letter (with official stamp) from your Dean or Department Head describing your course of study and academic standing during the current and previous academic years of your enrollment in the institution
- Essay
- Two (2) letters of recommendation
- Official certificate of the status of an Internally Displaced Person
- Official certificate from the military commissariat on the cause of death, or confirmation from a veteran organization.
Student Essay:
“From Dream to Action: Why I Need the Scholarship from the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA”.
The essay should address the current needs and the hopes and aspirations of the student and how the scholarship can contribute towards advancing to those needs and goals. Describe your current situation and how it has impacted your opportunities; and your academic interests, achievements, and future academic and professional goals. Limit your essay to a maximum of 1500 words; please use font size 12,with line spacing of 1.5. It is recommended that you write the essay in a separate file, save it using this naming system: lastname_firstname_essay. (example: Shevchenko_Taras_essay). Upload it to the application in the designated place.
Letters of Recommendation
Two letters of recommendation are required. The letters should be written by someone who knows you and your situation well. The letter should address your scholarly abilities and potential, your character and personality, your goals and ambitions. Please share the letter guidelines and letter (found in the link below) in advance with the person who is writing the letter on your behalf. They should send the letter to you so that you can scan it or relabel it and upload it to the application with the other required documents. All files should be named using this naming system: lastname_firstname_nameofdocument. (example: Shevchenko_Taras_Letter1)
Example Letter of Recommendation
In order to apply online, you must have a gmail account.
The online application form may be completed in English or Ukrainian. All required documents and files should be scanned and labeled in the following manner before uploading to the application form: Last name_First Name_Document Name (for example, Kotyk_Anna_Essay, Kotyk_Anna_Support Letter 1, Kotyk_Anna_Transcript, etc.). Files should be saved in the following formats: PDF, JPG, or text files (.doc or .docx). It is recommended that you have all of the document files on hand in digital format before completing the application and uploading the files in a single sitting.
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is midnight, April 15, 2018. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after this time will not be considered.
For further information please contact