
Grants Committee announces new Grants Program for 2017-2018

September 25, 2017

The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the United States of America will award grants during 2017-2018 in the following categories: Research Grants, Conference Travel Grants, and Dissertation Research Grants.  Grants for Conference/Project Planning will not be available during the 2017-2018 grants cycles. For details, application and requirements see Grants Program 2017-2018. Application deadline: ... Continue reading

Visit Our Bookstore

September 8, 2017

As part of the redesign of our website, we have opened the Shevchenko Scientific Society Online Bookstore! The Shevchenko Scientific Society USA funds the research and publication of various books by scholars and members of the Society, through the Society’s Grants Program. the society also published several books in commemoration ... Continue reading

Re-examining the West Ukrainian Prison Massacre of 1941

August 31, 2017

Society member Dr. Alexander J. Motyl professor of political science at Rutgers-Newark and specialist on Ukraine, Russia, and the USSR, along with  Dr. Ksenia Kiebuzynski, Slavic Librarian and Collection Development Department Head, , Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre, University of Toronto Libraries, have collaborated to edit “The Great ... Continue reading

And the Living Are Silent

August 1, 2017

And the Living Are Silent by Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Board Member Askold Melnyczuk appeared in the Summer 2017 issue of the award-winning literary journal Ploughshares, published by Emerson College, Boston. This excerpt from a memoir in progress, Turbulence, Love, moves from the period from after the October Revolution through the early days of ... Continue reading

Book Review: Haydamaky

November 27, 2013

A facsimile publication of Shevchenko’s Haydamaky which reproduces the poem’s first edition with the utmost accuracy, in terms of the number of pages, their size, the paper grade and crucially, the text appeared in 2013. Prof. George G. Grabowicz’s study newly interprets the poems reception, form and content as well as its role ... Continue reading