December 31, 2008
The Shevchenko Scientific Society, Inc. invites applications for the Shevchenko Society Postdoctoral Fellowship for the 2009-10 academic year. Funded by generous contributions from the Ukrainian-American community, the Shevchenko Society Postdoctoral Fellowship is intended to support aspiring young scholars in the US and Canada who work in Ukrainian studies. The Society is especially seeking a fellow who will study and teach modern Ukrainian history.
The fellowship award will be up to $35,000, commensurate to the qualification of a candidate and requires the recipient to be affiliated with an accredited North American university, preferably one with a program in Ukrainian studies, during the fellowship period. Preference will be given to individuals who will have an opportunity to teach at their university. The award period is for one year, with the potential for renewal during the second year.
Candidates must have earned a PhD degree with a concentration in the Ukrainian area within the past 5 years, have a strong potential for developing independent research and be interested in pursuing a career in Ukrainian studies at the university level.
Applications are accepted by e-mail at: Send a letter with your name, citizenship, current position (title), work address, home address, e-mail and phone number, research field or discipline and the month and year you received the PhD degree, the name of the proposed host institution for the fellowship and name and e-mail address of a mentor/academic liaison you have contacted at the host institution. Also describe in the letter the envisioned course (s) to be taught at the host institution, proposed dates for the fellowship period and give the names and contact information of 2 scholars who are qualified to evaluate your work and who agree to submit recommendations on your behalf.
The letter of application and a separate 2-page summary of goals and research interests and curriculum vitae must be received before February 23, 2009. Applicants are encouraged to also send a copy of a scholarly paper written in the past two years. The reprint can be forwarded electronically or mailed separately to:
Shevchenko Scientific Society, Inc.,
63 Fourth Ave.,
New York, NY 10003
The fellowship award will be announced in April, 2009 by e-mail and begin after July 1, 2009.