November 23, 2019
Dr. Iryna Sotnyk
Professor in the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration at Sumy State University, Ukraine
Dr. Iryna Sotnyk
Professor in the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration at Sumy State University, Ukraine
The lecture provides an economic analysis of the evolution and prerequisites for renewable energy development worldwide with a focus on reducing the cost of energy from renewable energy sources, the dynamics of investment in the industry and the economic stimulation of green energy facilities deployment. The author summarizes the results of renewable energy development in the world by solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and bioenergy sectors, as well as the impact of the industry on employment growth. In addition, the outcomes of the green energy deployment in Ukraine are compared with the world achievements. On this basis, objective and subjective reasons that impede the extension of renewable energy technologies worldwide are identified, as well as additional barriers specific to Ukrainian reality. Regarding the reasons outlined above, the author provides recommendations for governments to improve national policies in this area. Considering the economic and political situation in Ukraine, additional economic mechanisms have been developed, the use of which will stimulate green energy growth in the country