April 14, 2005
Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка кожного року приймає активну участь в організації та проведенні конференції «ASN 2005 WORLD CONVENTION». Цього року НТШ-А спонсорували проведення засідань двох Круглих столів:
Roundtable U7
[sponsored by the Shevchenko Scientific Society]
Chair: Myroslava Znayenko (Rutgers U, US)
Serhii Bilenkyi (Harvard U, US)
Michael Naydan (Pennsylvania State U, US)
Larissa Onyshkevych (Shevchenko Scientific Society, NY, US)
Anna Chumachenko (Kherson U, Ukraine)
Михайло Найдан, Марія Ревакович, Лариса Онишкевич, Ганна Чумаченко |
Марія Ревакович | Ганна Чумаченко |
Віталій Чернецький і Сергій Біленький |
Special Panel U8
[sponsored by the Shevchenko Scientific Society]
Сергій Погорельцев, Олександер Мотиль, Євген Фішель, Марк фон Гаґен, Надія Дюк і Дерек Фрейзер |
Organizer: Larissa Onyshkevych (Shevchenko Scientific Society, NY, US)
Chair: Mark von Hagen (Columbia U, US)
George G. Grabowicz (Harvard U, US)
Paul D’Anieri (U of Kansas, US)
Alexander J. Motyl (Rutgers U, US)
(former) Ambassador Yuriy Shcherbak (Ukraine)
(former) Ambassador Derek Fraser (U of Victoria, Canada)
Nadia Diuk (Director, Europe & Eurasia, National Endowment for Democracy)
Gene Fishel (Department of State, Washington, DC, US)
Марк фон Гаґен | Сергій Погорельцев |
Надія Дюк |
Посол Дерек Фрейзер |
Посол Дерек Фрейзер, чітко означає напрямок руху для України – ЕВРОПА
Олександер Мотиль |
Д-р Олександер Мотиль також бачить місце України – ЕВРОПІ. Проте, цей шлях тривалий і складний.
Роман Шпорлюк | Ярослав Білінський |
Panel U2
Chair: Zenon Wasyliw (Ithaca College, US)
Germ Janmaat (Institute of Education, London, UK)
History and National Identity: The Great Famine in Irish and Ukrainian History
Tetyana Koshmanova (Western Michigan U, US)
National Identity and Cultural Coherence in Educational Reform
Tanya Richardson (U of Cambridge, UK)
Uncertain Subjects: Youth, History and Nation-Building in Post-Soviet Odessa
Anna Zadora (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg, France)
The Role of Historical Education in the Construction of a Belarusian National Identity
Discussant: Hugo Lane (Polytechnic U, Brooklyn, US)
Іван Шеґда розповсюджує видання НТШ-А |
Panel U4
Chair: Catherine Wanner (Penn State U, US)
Papers :
Jennifer Dickinson (U of Vermont, US)
Joining the Empire: Oral History Narratives of Becoming Soviet in 1940’s Zakarpattia
Natalia Shostak (U of Saskatchewan, Canada)
g through the EU: Ukrainian Migrant Workers’ Narratives in Contemporary Perspective
Jessica Allina-Pisano (Colgate U, US)
Identity in the Ukraine-Slovakia Borderlands: The Politics of European Union Expansion in a Divided Village
Tatiana Zhurzhenko (Kazarin Kharkiv National U, Ukraine)
Identity in the Ukrainain-Russian Borderlands: Local Narratives of Spatial Reorganization and Social Change
Discussant: Paul Robert Magocsi (U of Toronto, Canada)
Panel U5
[Special 2005 Issue of Problems of Post-Communism on “Ten Years of Leonid Kuchma”]
Chair: Roman Senkus (CIUS, U of Toronto, Canada)
Sarah Whitmore (Oxford Brookes U, UK)
State and Institution Building
Oleh Protsyk (European Centre for Minority Issues, Germany)
Constitutional Politics and Presidential Power
Alexandra Hrycak (Reed College, US)
Gender Issues
Discussant:Paul D’Anieri (University of Kansas, US)
Panel Workshop U9
New Approaches to the Ukrainian State
Moderator: Dominique Arel (Chair of Ukrainian Studies, U of Ottawa)
Andrew Wilson (U College London, UK)
Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in Ukraine
Keith Darden (Yale U, US)
The Politics of the Blackmail State
Jessica Allina-Pisano (Colgate U, US)
Informal Institutions, Capillary Power, and State Hegemony
Panel U10
Chair: Martha B. Trofimenko (Barrister and Solicitor, Toronto, Canada)
Lowell Barrington (Marquette U, US), and Stephen Shulman (University of Southern Illinois, US)
Disentangling and Re-entangling Region, Ethnicity, and Language in Ukrainian Mass Attitudes
Yaroslav Hrytsak (Lviv State U, Ukraine), and Oksana Malanchuk (U Michigan, US)
A Story of Two Cities, 10 Years After: The Lviv-Donetsk Comparison
Dominique Arel (U of Ottawa, Canada)
Understanding the Regional Factor in Ukrainian Politics: The Evidence from the 1994 and 2004 Presidential Election Surveys
Discussant: Roman Szporluk (Harvard U, US)
Special Roundtable U13
Chair: Marc P. Berenson (Princeton U, US)
Daniel Bilak (Research Associate, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, U of Ottawa, Canada)
Mychailo Wynnyckyj (U Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Françoise Ducros (CIDA, Ottawa, Canada) [to be confirmed]
Adrian Karatnycky (Freedom House, New York, US)
Panel U11
Chair: Taras Hunczak (Rutgers U, US)
Ivan Katchanovski (Independent Scholar, Ukraine)
Regional Political Cleavages and Electoral Behavior in Ukraine in 1991-2004
Volodymyr Paniotto (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Ukraine)
The Impact of the Ukrainian Presidential Election on Ethnic Relations in Ukraine
Idil P. Izmirli (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason U, US)
From Communist Totalitarianism to Corruptrocracy: The Impact of the Ukrainian Presidential elections on the Crimean Tatar Question and Regional Security in Central Eurasia
Yuliya Zhadan (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France)
Ukrainian Language Issue in the Crimea: An Insight into 2004 Presidential Election Debates
Discussant: Christian W. Haerpfer (Kennan Institute, Wilson Center, Washington, DC)
Тарас Гунчак, голова панелі |
Panel U6
[Special 2005 Issue of Problems of Post-Communism on “Ten Years of Leonid Kuchma”]
Chair: Alexandra Hrycak (Reed College, US)
Hans van Zon (U of Sunderland, UK)
Political Culture and Democratisation
Stephen Shulman (U of Southern Illinois, US)
Inter-Ethnic Relations, National Identity and Integration
Taras Kuzio (George Washington U, US)
Ukrainian Foreign and Security Policy
Discussant: John Payne (MIT, US)
Panel U12
Chair: Christina Isajiw (U of Toronto, Canada)
Kerstin Zimmer (Phillips U, Germany)
Going West: Ukrainian Migrants Facing Shifting EU Migration Systems
Natalia Patsiurko (McGill U, Canada)
Multiple Responses to Economic Uncertainty: Migration and Entrepreneurship as Substitutes for the State Employment in Ukraine
Adrian Ivakhiv (U of Vermont, US)
Identity and Nomadic Space in the Borderlands of East Central Europe
Discussant: Oxana Shevel (Purdue U, US)
Віталій Чернецький представляє доповідачів |
Кристина Зіммер і Наталія Пацюрко | Юрій Шевчук |
Адріян Івахів під час свого виступу ілюстрував знаки, якими позначено «Центер Европи», але в різних географічних місцях: Закарпання, Литва та інші.
Адріян Івахів | Центр Европи №1 |
Центр Европи №2 | Центр Евро пи №3 |
Panel U1
Chair: Olga Bogatyrenko (UC Davis, US)
Papers :
Yann Breault (U of Québec in Montreal, Canada)
Ukraine’s Endangered European Identity: Did the 2004 Presidential Election Results Change Anything?
Oksana V. Jensen (American U, US)
2004 Presidential Election in Ukraine: an Indication of Democracy or a Testament of Political Corruption?
Ilya Khineyko (U of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada)
View from Russia: Russian Media Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Elections in Ukraine
Olga Filippova (Fulbright Scholar, Bloomington U, US)
Tracking Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution”
through Cyber-Ethnography: A View from Kharkiv
Discussant: Olga Andriewsky (Trent U, Canada)
Panel U3
Chair: Jaroslaw Martyniuk (Intermedia, Washington, DC, US)
Catherine Wanner (Penn State U, US)
Anthropological Approaches to Cultural Politics in Ukraine
Wsewolod Isajiw (U of Toronto, Canada)
Civil Society in Ukraine: Toward a Systematic Sociological Research Agenda
Oxana Shevel (Purdue U, US)
Citizenship and Nation-Building in Ukraine
Ilya Prizel (U of Pittsburgh, US)