December 4, 2004
Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка є одним із спонсорів проведення археологічних розкопок в Батурині. Проф. Мезенцев вже втретє приїздить до Нью-Йорку з доповідями про результати розкопок, які він проводить разом із науковця та студентами Чернігівського Університету. Попередня доповідь відбулася 7 грудня 2002 р. на тему: “НОВІ ІСТОРИЧНІ ТА АРХЕОЛОГІЧНІ ВІДКРИТТЯ В БАТУРИНІ”. Про цю доповідь можна знайти інформацію на вебсторінці НТШ за адресою:, або за датою на цій же сторінці новин.
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Василь Махно представляє Володимира Мезенцева |
For the fourth year in a row, about 70 students and scholars from the Universities of Chernihiv, Nizhyn, and Luhansk as well as the Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University participated in the excavations. Dr. Volodymyr Kovalenko (University of Chernihiv) is the expedition leader, while Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev (University of Toronto) participates as the CIUS Research Fellow responsible for the Baturyn project. Prof. Martin Dimnik (Pontifical Institute) has overseen the funding and helps publicize the expedition’s findings.
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Володимир Мезенцев |
The most significant excavations completed by 2004 were those of the remnants of hetman’s central palace, as well as of the fragments of the brick foundations of Mazepa’s palace in the Baturyn suburb of Honcharivka. A 1744 drawing of the façade walls of this palace has been preserved at the National Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. Recently, Dr. Mezentsev traveled to Stockholm, where he also located a number of other historical artifacts and documents of the Mazepa era. Dr. Mezentsev’s trip to Sweden was co-sponsored by NTSh from the Natalia Danyl’chenko Fund.
Also excavated have been the basement walls and foundations of the Kochubei House, the sole survived architectural monument of 17th -century Baturyn. In 2003-04, on the grounds of the fortress and citadel, the expedition has uncovered 32 graves of the Mazepa era, 13 of them bearing signs of violent death as victims of the slaughter by the Muscovite army in 1708.
The Baturyn researchers plan to continue their archeological investigations and publications of their findings. NTSh places great value on the Baturyn project, which is dedicated primarily to the Mazepa era, a period in Ukrainian history that was distorted and falsified by the Soviet regime.
NTSh has been able to sponsor the Baturyn project thanks to the Anton Sawycky Fund in 2001 and the George Kuziw Fund in 2002-04.
NTSh Press Group