October 26, 2013
Мотря Бойко Воттерс
Дарія Дика
Роксоляна Горбова
Олесь Кузьма,
Ярослав Чарторизький
Мар’яна Заяць
Андрій Джуль
Олександра Кушнір,
Директор Медично-Біологічної Секції
Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US held a public panel meeting on medical aid delivery in Ukraine. Dr. Daria Dykyj opened the session, and the Dierctor of Medicine/Biology Section and Moderator of the event, Dr. Alexandra Kushnir, introduced the panelists: Alexander Kuzma (Children of Chornobyl Relief and Developmemt Fund), Marianna Zajac (Ukrainian National Women’s League of America), Victor Czartorysky (Orphans’ Aid Society), Motrja Boyko Waters (United Ukrainian American Relief Committee) and Roxolana Horbowyj (World Federatiion of Ukrainian Medical Associations). While fortuitously visiting from Detroit, Dr. Andriy Dzul, President of the Ukrainian-American Medical Society, recruited to the panel.
Дарія Дика виголошує вступне слово |
Олександра Кушнір, ведуча круголого стола |
Ярослав Чарторизький | Мар’яна Заяць |
Мотря Бойко Воттерс | Роксоляна Горбова |
Андрій Джуль | Олесь Кузьма |
Олександра Кушнір і учасники круглого стола під час дискусії |
Dr. Kushnir led the discussion with questions about the kind of medical support these organizations provide, their stated goals, particular needs of patients and providers, financing, relationships with Ukrainian authorities and medical establishment, changes as projects progressed. Finally, the moderator asked about the current state of medical needs in Ukraine, and future plans for this endeavor that has been sustained over the last 20 years.
Panelists detailed their organizations’ experiences, some unique and many shared ones. They spoke of achievements, administrative challenges, and recent changes such as an indigent patient’s unexpected fee-for-service experience for emergency care.
Panelists offered mutual support and ideas for potential solutions, especially concerning laws and regulations in Ukraine. Audience participation also added valuable perspectives, as well as new ideas for opportunities to help.
In closing, Drs. Kushnir, Anna Procyk, and Daria Dykyj summarized the meeting, postponing the planned report on the Society’s historical activities with medical communities.
Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Press Group