April 5, 2014
Люба Шипович, Марія Сорока, Юрій Брунець,
Іванна Білич, Ольга Яричківська
Люба Шипович, Марія Сорока, Юрій Брунець,
Іванна Білич, Ольга Яричківська
Презентація та дискусія із представниками новоствореної громадської організації РАЗОМ, яка підтримує народ України у його прагненні до життя в демократичному суспільстві, в якому панує гідність, справедливість і забезпечуються права людини. РАЗОМ займається координацією груп волонтерів у світі для збирання коштів на підтримку Майдану, медіа-кампаніями, розслідуванням корупційної діяльності, наданням юридичної допомоги і роботою з представниками уряду та правозахисних організацій.
Люба Шипович, президент “РАЗОМ”, Ольга Яричківська, Іванна Білич, Юрій Брунець, Марія Сорока |
Каріна Тарнавська | Люба Ширович |
Іванна Білич | Ольга Яричківська |
Марія Сорока |
By Tetyana Dzhula
On Saturday, April 5, 2014 Shevchenko Scientific Society welcomed group “Razom” for a roundtable to discuss the role of Ukrainians abroad in Ukraine’s crisis resolution. The event took place at the Shevchenko Scientific Society headquarters at Fourth Avenue in New York – everyone could attend to see “Razom” introducing themselves to public, hear about the work the group has been doing since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, its accomplishments and future projects.
Shevchenko Scientific Society has a special role in life of Ukrainian diaspora – it organizes and sponsors scholarly conferences, hosts public lectures and poetry readings, provides research grants for scholars and stipends for students, publishes scholarly works, provides information on institutions of higher learning – doing all the work while dedicated to the main goal- promotion of Ukrainian studies.
So it didn’t come as a surprise that the Society and newly established non-profit organization “Razom”, united by love to Ukraine, felt the need to have a roundtable and discuss the current developments in Ukraine and what the diaspora can do for its homeland. While Shevchenko Scientific Society tracks back to 1873 when it was first established in Lviv and later also formed in NYC at 1948 – organization “Razom” is just a few months old. It was born out of aspiration, virtually a need to stand together with the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of democratic, just and free society. Its founders and future members met at the protests supporting Ukraine that were held in several cities on the East Coast. One thing was evident for everyone – Ukraine was having its momentum and deciding its fate for generations to come – and needed all the support, assistance and encouragement that anyone concerned could give.
Since its inception at the end of 2013, with a group of half dozen of dedicated patriots, “Razom” has quickly grown into a global network of volunteers working on fund-raising, media campaigning, investigating corrupt activities, and working with government representatives and human rights organizations.
The group was very enthusiastic about the possibility to present their organization and work to the esteemed members of Society and the gathering. Surely there was a lot of interest from both sides to have a dialog. The assistance and guidance that the Society can provide with its profound background and exceptional experience – all is a valuable asset for the young group that is planning to stand by Ukraine’s side in the long run.
Members of “Razom” are young professionals who have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, devoted to be with this country at every step of the way to a better future, getting involved and trying to impact the situation on all of its stages.
More information about “Razom” can be found at www.razomforukaine.org and on Facebook.