March 28, 2015
Андрій Заярнюк |
Andriy Zayarniuk, PhD in History, University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB, Canada).
Associate Professor in Russian and East European History, Department of History, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg.
Selected Publications
• Framing the Ukrainian Peasantry in Habsburg Galicia, 1846-1914. Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 2013.
• “Idiomy emansypatsiï:”vyzvol’ni” proekty i halyts’ke selo seredyny XIX st.” [Idioms of Emancipation: Liberation Projects and Galician Village in the Mid-Nineteenth Century]. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2007. 335 pp.
• Ed., with John-Paul Himka. Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
• “On the Possibility of Peasant Intellectuals: The Case of the Ukrainians in Habsburg Galicia,” Social History 39.1 (2014):56-82.
• “The Greek Catholic Rustic Gentry and the Ukrainian National Movement in Habsburg-Ruled Galicia,” Journal of Ukrainian Studies 35-36 (2010-2011):91-102.
• “Peasant Activists Reflect on World War I: War Poems by Ukrainian Peasant Soldiers from Habsburg Galicia,” Canadian Slavonic Papers 55.1-2 (2013): 71-98.
• “‘The War Is as Usual’: World War I Letters to a Galician Village,” Ab Imperio, 4 (2010):197-224.
• “Mapping Identities: The Popular Base of Galician Russophilism in the 1890s,” Austrian History Yearbook, 41 (2010):117-142.
• “Historia lokalna i narracja narodowa. Zmiana obrządku mieszkańców wsi Niedzielna w 1908 roku” [Local History and National Narrative: The Change of Rite in the Case of Nedilna villagers in 1908 (In Polish)], Kwartalnik Historyczny, 116.2 (2009):155-171.
• “The Politics of Language and Popular Culture in Dziga Vertov’s “The Man with the Movie Camera”.” Hyphenated Histories: Central European Bildung and Slavic Studies in the Contemporary Academy. Ed. Andrew Colin Gow. Leiden: Brill, 2007. 121-139.