Resources for Scholars from Ukraine

March 4, 2022

#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Their mission is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international level for students and researchers directly affected by the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Scholar Placement Database

Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) is working with #ScienceforUkraine to collect information on specific support for displaced scholars. ASEEES is working with the newly created International Task Force for Displaced Scholars (ITFDS), established by a group of scholars and graduate students. Read the inaugural meeting minutes here. For more information, email

Scholars at Risk works to protect threatened scholars and promote academic freedom around the world. Member institutions invite threatened scholars to temporarily join their campus communities as professors, researchers, lecturers, visiting scholars, post-docs, graduate fellows, or students. SAR asks host institutions, wherever possible, to identify funding to support the visit.

IIE Scholar Rescue Fund seeks accredited higher education and research institutions to host IIE-SRF scholars on their campuses.The IIE-SRF fellowship includes a financial award of up to $25,000 to support a visiting academic appointment of up to one year (renewable for a second year)

Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) introduces a new program for supporting cooperation with Ukrainian researchers.

German funding programs for scholars at risk

The Association of German Art Historians stands in solidarity with the people in Ukraine who are suffering from the war. Funding institutions such as the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation now also allow Ukrainian researchers to apply for scholars at risk programs.

Information on current programs to support scholars at risk can be found on the following websites:

Council for At-Risk Academics (UK) aims to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between UK higher education institutions in support of persecuted and at-risk academics, and in the defense and promotion of academic and university freedoms worldwide.

Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland) strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and will support researchers affected by the war.

Le Collège de France (France) soutient le programme PAUSE dans son action de solidarité à l’égard des scientifiques ukrainiens en danger. Le programme PAUSE ouvre un appel spécial d’aide en urgence aux chercheuses et chercheurs ukrainiens en danger grâce à un fonds d’urgence octroyé par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation.